Wednesday 18 February 2015

Going on from the Theory of Attack, you are not only dealing with the mental side but the physical side from an attacker. The mental/psychological factors of an attack may provide answers as to why an attack happens. What ever the reason, at that moment, an attacker is intent on hurting the victim, making them defenceless. So dealing with an attack thus becomes psychological, physical then reaction.
So we can break this down even more. Before we even deal with the physical side of self defence, we must first deal with the mental. Many self defence classes gloss over this important fact and go straight for the physical. But if you are not mentally prepared, you will not be ready for a physical attack.
Mental preparation is 70% the most important factor. If you are not mentally able to control your mind in an attack, you are not ready for the physical side. The more your mind is trained, you will be able to apply the physical defence.
We train you to train your mind through concentration/meditation to fully understand your true potential. Through understanding how much your mind controls you through emotion/attachment/feelings, we make you aware of how much instinctive response can affect your decision.
If your perception is poor, so will your judgement. You may not see an attack coming, you may not be alert enough to avoid an attack. You may even be distracted by an attack happening to you, your response time will be ineffective.
This poor judgement may cost you your life or your loved ones.
Now with training - the mind must control the process from an attack through to defence. We unify our mind with the body to have a 'clear vision', to deal with confusing and nasty events that will come with an attack. We must deal with an attack with a positive and determined manner.
But we must almost be detached, be objective so we remain totally unphased and in control.  

Sunday 11 January 2015

Are you ready for an attack?

Many people think of self defence as just something that will never be needed. But, really, you can use many different forms of subtle self defence in many ways. Ask yourself this... how good are your awareness skills? How well do you avoid situations? How alert are you to any people coming within your space? People who may take advantage of your kind nature, then assault you by surprise!
People always think of the 'physical side' to self defence, straight away people are scared by the physical 'stuff'. This means getting close and HURT! Nobody wants to do that, right? How much 'hurt' do you want to put up with in a fight? Then you have to face facts and realise in a fight you will get hurt, nobody likes getting hurt. But..... can you limit that hurt? Can you be more in control of a fight than you thought possible? Yes, you can. 'Erm, wait a minute', I hear you ask, 'how so? '.
Through mind training, taking control of your mind and being in control. Fact is, if you are not mentally prepared, you won't fight your way out of a fight/assault. Even verbal or just a small altercation will be enough to get you heart going, your head in a rage or just plain scared. What if you can mentally 'stand back', not been drawn in to the situation. Be able to stand your ground and not let your emotions rule your actions? What if.......
Through gentle, subtle mind changes, we can teach your mind to become rational when you want. Not when you don't want your mind to be 'upset, irrational, wild!. Our mind controls us all the time. How many times have you been 'lost in thought?'. Not really with us? On your own planet?
To really appreciate what's going on around us here and now, we must live in the here and now.  Its really easy, not that hard at all. Just bring your mind back to this moment. 'How do we do that?'
When thoughts come into your mind, don't dwell on them. Our mind is constantly 'chatting', always 'talking'. Never stops. We have been told to 'think about it', 'keep your mind on your job', 'think about great ideas'.  We never stop. So now, just for one minute, stop 'thinking'. Hear the birds, maybe cars driving past. Is it dark or light? Are you cold or hot? Do you stop to 'feel/hear' your surroundings?
Just stop. Don't 'do' anything. Just be. Then your mind starts chatting again, let it go. don't respond to your mind interfering with 'your space'. Tell your mind it can be quiet. With short periods of quiet time, you can train your mind. Think of nothing. Then no-thing can bother you. You don't react as your mind will be 'set back' from your emotions. Your mind cannot suddenly scream at you to 'do something'. You can see clearly what needs doing. Your mind is calm, not full of crap, full of emotion. You can be you, non judgemental, non hating, no anger, no fear, just accepting. 

Friday 9 January 2015

Theory of an Attack

Perception =  the psychological side to deal with an attack

Decision    =  in a split second-the mental control needed to deal with an attack

Response   =  the physical tools with which to deal with an attack

Has anyone ever broken down the 'attack'? Ever fully understood why attacks take place? Why do they 'pick' on you? What happens next? In a split second, what would you do?
We go through the theory of an attack, and theory of defence, so you are more fully aware of what happens during those precious seconds. We aim to give you the utmost help mentally and physically to protect yourself, even before a possible attack might happen. Awareness, avoidance and alertness is the key to attacks being avoided. Not many people even realise this can help saveyour and your loved ones from danger